Blue Doberman Pinscher Everything you need to know

The Blue Doberman Pinscher Breed comes from Germany and is named after the dog breed’s founder, Herr Louis Doberman. The breed started near the end of the 19th century. Not a lot is known regarding this breed’s precise start, but it is thought it has somewhat of a long lineage of additional breeds in its […]

how to stop your dog from peeing in the house

Dealing with a dog that won’t stop peeing in the house can be a frustrating situation. Fortunately, it is one that is relatively easy to fix – if you know how to do it correctly, that is. Inappropriate urination is a more common problem than you might think, it can affect any household. And, there […]

White Dobermans – Complete Guide to the Rare Doberman Color

Many folks who just started having a Doberman do not know there is such a thing as a white or a cream-colored Doberman. That usually surprises them or even confuses them if they happen to see one, and they don’t know what it is. Sometimes people think they are albinos though they are not. The […]