Exotic Cat Guide: Origin, Appearance, Personality & Care Tips

An exotic cat, commonly referred to as exotic, is an artificially bred breed that is a cross between a Persian cat and an American shorthair cat. The cat looks like a Persian and has a similar, gentle personality. However, his short coat makes him easier to groom.

The international name for exotic cats is Exotic or Exotic Shorthair. The animals were originally called sterling silver because the breeding of exotic cats consisted only of silver-colored specimens. The name was changed when other coat colors appeared in the breed.

Origin of exotic cats

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Exotic cats are a very young breed – they were bred in the United States in the 1960s. The first attempt was to obtain a silver coat for an American Shorthair cat (the overseas equivalent of European cats). For this purpose, the cat was crossed with the silver Persian. The potential of the new breed was appreciated by Jane Martinke, who led to its registration by the CFA (Cat Lovers’ Association) in 1966. The Russian Blue Cat and the Burmese Cat appeared in the genetic pool of exotic cats. The standard of the breed has become the similarity of physique with the Persian cat – an exotic cat differs from it by the length of its fur.

Related: 17 Exotic Cat Breeds You Can Keep as Pets

Exotic cat silhouette

Exotic cats are medium-sized – they weigh 3-6 kg and measure about 30-35 cm (excluding tail). These animals have a rounded silhouette and a fairly massive structure. They are well-muscled. Their head is round, broad, and set on a short, thick neck.

Exotic cats have small, rounded ears at the ends and large, round, wide-set eyes. As with the Persians, the nose of the exotics is short and flattened. (Hollow between the eyes). Exotic cats have short limbs with rounded paws and a relatively short but proportional downward-pointing tail. The coat can be of a variety of different types, it is short (although slightly longer than short-haired cats), dense (with a lot of undercoat), silky, and slightly outside the body.

Nature of exotic cats

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Short-haired exotic cats – like the Persians – are very gentle and friendly animals. They are intelligent, and curious about the world, but also quite lazy. They are suitable animals for children and loyal, uncomfortable companions for seniors. With a good introduction, they adapt well to the new environment and “get along” with other four-legged friends.

Exotic cats have a cheerful disposition and like to play (their hunting instinct is more pronounced than that of Persian cats). They can take care of themselves if they only have toys and something to scratch. But what they like most is the company of their carer. They are very attached to people and love to be petted. But they are not intrusive in the least. They are peaceful, quiet animals that do not try to attract attention except by waiting silently.

Exotic Cat Health

Exotic cats live on average 12-15 years. They reach sexual maturity later than most other breeds. They generally enjoy better health and hardiness than their Persian brethren, but like them, they are subject to a number of genetic conditions, such as

  • renal polycythemia and urinary tract inflammation,
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy leading to heart failure,
  • Diaphragmatic hernia, i.e. the displacement of the intestines into the pericardium,
  • Systemic leakage that limits the possibility of physiological detoxification,
  • Eye diseases – retinal atrophy, corneal sequestration, excessive tearing of the eye,
  • caused by skull deformation (brachycephaly), diseases of the teeth, periodontium, and breathing difficulties

Caring for exotic cats

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Exotic cats don’t require much care. Your shorts should be brushed once a week, preferably using the Furminator. Expect intensive shedding from these animals, although they leave much less hair than Persian cats.

Daily attention should be paid to watery, exotic eyes – rinse them with a cotton pad soaked in special eye care fluid to avoid infection of the conjunctiva and skin. Because of the innate tendency to be overweight, it is also advisable to pay attention to the diet of exotic cats. You should only get high-quality food. Due to the shape of the skull, these animals can have problems eating most dry foods.

Interesting facts about exotic cats

  • To maintain the purity of the exotic cat breed, they should only be crossed with other exotic cats or Persians. Interestingly, such crosswords sometimes give birth to exotic long-haired kittens. Some people then tend to think of them as Persian cats.
  • Exotic cats can be bought in Poland. Prices for a kitten range from PLN 1,500 to PLN 5,000.

How much does an Exotic Shorthair cost?

If you are enthusiastic about this breed and would like to buy an Exotic Shorthair kitten, you will have to save some money because a kitten from a reputable breeder costs between 850 and 1500 euros. You should always go to a recognized breeder or cattery that belongs to a breed association so that you can be sure that all the paperwork is in order.

And always remember the hereditary diseases of this breed. A cat with a lot of problems is actually not really happy and also causes high costs – after all, you have to go to the vet more often or buy medication. Never buy a pet on the marketplace, eBay, or from a mass breeder because that will cause trouble – for you and for the animal.

Or do you actually not care what your cat looks like? Take a look at an animal shelter near you, because there are many lovely and friendly cats waiting for a new home. And an owner who takes good care of them. Maybe your new best friend will be there!

The Exotic Shorthair in brief:

  • Exotic Shorthair cats are loving, calm, and independent.
  • Their fur is soft and short.
  • Like all other cats, Exotic Shorthair cats shed.
  • Exotic Shorthair cats are prone to hereditary diseases.
  • A healthy Exotic Shorthair kitten can live 12 to 15 years.
  • Exotic Shorthair cats originally come from America.
  • You can get an Exotic Shorthair kitten from a reputable breeder for 850 euros.

How old does an Exotic Shorthair get?

The life expectancy of an Exotic Shorthair is the same as many other cat breeds. This cat can live 12 to 15 years if it is well cared for and has no serious medical conditions or illnesses.


Are Exotic Shorthair cats good pets?

The personality of the Exotic Shorthair can simply be described as calm and friendly. Partly due to their easy-going nature, these cats adapt well to the environment of apartments or households and enjoy dealing with children and adults.

How much is an Exotic Shorthair cat?

How much does an exotic short-haired cat cost? Exotic shorthair cats cost between $1,000 and $5,000.

Are Exotic Shorthair cats cuddly?

Exotic shorthair cats are perfect pets for people who love Persian cats but don’t want the hassle of intensive maintenance. These cats are also calm and low-energy, so they don’t require constant attention or frequent interactive activities: they are content with cuddles.

What do Exotic Shorthair cats eat?

All cats, including the exotic shorthair cat, are pure carnivores, which means they must consume animal protein in their daily diet. Common animal proteins for cats include chicken, turkey, fish, and other types of seafood.

What colors are Exotic Shorthairs?

Exotic shorthair cats that fall into the color category may come in the following colors: White, Black, Red, Cream, Blue, Chocolate, or Purple. Each color has specific colors for the paw pads, bridge of the nose, and eyes.