Top 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds: Prices, Characteristics, and Care Tips

Many animal lovers are prepared to dig deep into their pockets for an unusual pedigree cat. These include exotic cats that resemble real wild cats. Rare cat breeds, for example, those that come from wild cat hybrids, are often very expensive. We present ten of the most expensive cat breeds.

Cat Breeds

Expensive and rare: exclusive cat breeds

Every cat lover loves their four-legged friends. But the rarer the breed, the higher the price for the velvet paws from the breeder. We present you with ten of the most expensive cat breeds.

1. Sphynx cat

Sphynx cat

Lovers of almost hairless cats like the Canadian Sphynx or the Don Sphynx from Russia dig deep into their pockets for individual velvet paws. Hairless cats are considered something very special and are therefore among the most expensive cat breeds.

Attention: If you are interested in aSphynx, you should pay attention to the presence of whiskers. In Germany, the Berlin Administrative Court ruled that cats without whiskers fall under the cruel breeding law.

What prices do breeders ask for the Sphynx?

Prices for both Sphynx breeds start at 800 euros from a reputable breeder and are therefore somewhat higher than for most other breeds. Many breeders only give their protégés to collectors for 1,000 euros or more – breeding animals are even more expensive.
If you are looking for a Siamese cat with long fur, the Balinese cat is a good choice, but you will have to dig deep into your pockets.

2. Bengal cat

Bengal cat

In the 1960s, Asian leopard cats were crossed with domestic cats for the first time. In order to achieve today’s Bengal type with the typical wild look, Egyptian Mau, American Shorthair, and Oriental Shorthair were added to the Bengal gene pool over the decades.

Today, Bengal cats are a unique breed. They need a lot of activity and are a bit wilder than other cats. Nevertheless, most Bengals love spending time cuddling with their owners. Even laypeople are impressed by the unusual fur and its big cat look.

How much does the Bengal cost?

This exclusivity comes at a price: Bengal pets cost an average of 1,000 euros and up.

Its wild look makes the Bengal cat an exotic and expensive breed of cat.

3. Savannah

Savannah cat

With a length of up to 1.20 meters, the Savannah is the largest recognized cat breed. It is a wildcat hybrid that was created by crossing the African wildcat Serval with domestic cats. Due to its imposing stature and striking fur, the Savannah looks like a small cheetah for the living room.

However, the first generations of crossbreeding bring with them a lot of original wild cat behavior. In many countries, they therefore require a special official permit to keep wild animals.

How much does a Savannah cost?

The direct descendants of servals and domestic cats are very expensive in the first generations and can cost around 15,000 euros. But even a Savannah of the F3 or F4 generation can cost several thousand euros if it comes from a reputable source. This wild beauty does not feel at home in a small apartment. It ideally needs a secure garden in which it can let off steam.

4. Caracat

The Caracat is a wild cat hybrid that comes from the caracal and a domesticated cat.

The first Caracat came into existence by chance in a Moscow zoo, where a feral tomcat mated with a Caracal cat in 1998. Around ten years later, American breeders attempted to breed the Caracat and crossed the Caracal with Abyssinian cats.

In Germany, the Maine Coon became the perfect counterpart to the Caracal. All these efforts at targeted breeding came to nothing.

How much does a Caracat cost?

Individual Caracats cost several thousand euros. This makes the Caracat one of the most expensive cat breeds. However, the animals are hardly available in a reputable way these days.

5. Safari Cat

If you’re now thinking: “Safari cat – never heard of it,” you’re probably in good company. The safari cat is extremely rare and accordingly expensive.

This breed is also a Hybrid cat: Researchers paired the small spotted cat with ordinary domestic cats. It is not just the appearance that is unusual, but also the genetic background. The small spotted cat has one more pair of chromosomes than the domestic cat. Breeding is therefore very difficult. Those interested should inform themselves about the care of hybrid cats and the origin of the respective animals.

How much does a safari cat cost?

Friends of exotic furry friends can purchase such a beauty for a price starting at 4,000 euros. There are said to be fewer than 100 safari cats worldwide.

6. Sokoke cat

The Sokoke is a real exotic cat, as it comes from the Sokoke-Arabuke rainforest in East Africa. From here, a litter was brought to Denmark in the 1980s, where breeders took on the pretty cat. In 1993, the Fédération Internationale Féline recognized the breed.

Today, most Sokoke cats in Europe live in Denmark. The English name is “African Shorthair”. Anyone who wants to bring a Sokoke from a reputable breeder into their home will have to pay at least 1,500 euros for this expensive cat breed.

7. Korat cat

The Korat originally comes from Thailand but has been winning the hearts of cat lovers from all over the world for several decades. In Thailand, it is also known as “Maeo Dok-Lao”. This translates as “cat the color of the clouds before the rain shower” and describes the noble gray fur of the Korat.

How much does a Korat cost?

In their home region, the Korat was considered a lucky charm that was not sold but given away. Purebred Korats are rare in Europe and usually cost over 1,300 euros. Reputable breeders have their breeding animals tested for the hereditary disease gangliosidosis that occurs in Korats.

8. Peterbald

Also furless is the Peterbald from Russia. They are descendants of Russian Don Sphynx that were crossed with oriental cat breeds. The Peterbald has a long snout and large, widely-spaced ears. In addition to the naked variant, the Peterbald also comes with velvet-like or slightly curly fur.

How much does a Peterbald cost?

The prices are a bit higher than for the Sphynx breeds. Since there are very few breeders outside of Russia, a Peterbald is difficult to get in Europe.

9. Balinese cat

Contrary to what the name suggests, the Balinese are not from Bali. This breed is a variant of the Siamese cat with semi-long fur that has been bred since the 1920s.

Costs of the Balinese cat

Since the Balinese cat, which is recognized as a separate breed, is rare, it is on average more expensive than more common breeds. Prices start at around 900 euros per kitten.

10. Ceylon cat

Neither naked nor hybrid: The Ceylon is a natural beauty. The cat breed originated on the island of Sri Lanka – formerly Ceylon. In the 1960s it came to Italy with cat lovers and from there spread throughout Europe. Today it is popular in Italy, but there are a few specimens in other countries. That is why a purebred Ceylon is rare in Europe.

The Agouti base color is characteristic, with stripes on the legs, tail, and face. The Ceylon cat has a clear “M” on its forehead. An animal from a reputable breeder is available for 1,000 euros.

Are these really the ten most expensive cat breeds?

The prices of cat breeds and individual cats from award-winning lines vary. It is possible that you will buy a Sacred Birman cat from a rare line that costs more than a Balinese cat. Other hybrids such as the Viverral or the Kanaani can also be more expensive than the cats mentioned here. However, they are hard to find.

Oriental shorthair variants such as the Havana can also be expensive, but they do not constitute a separate breed. Many rare cat breeds are in a similar price range. For example, the Singapura, the smallest cat in the world, can also be purchased for 1,000 euros.

If you are looking for a Siamese cat with long fur, the Balinese cat is a good choice, but you will have to dig deep into your pockets.

Expensive cats attract fraudsters

The rarer and more exclusive the cat breed, the more fraudsters will become aware of it. Many Savannahs from dubious sources later turn out to be Oriental Shorthair crossbreeds. That doesn’t make them any less lovable, but owners understandably feel cheated.

Therefore, even with rare cat breeds, make sure that you choose a reputable breeder. If you are offered a Peterbald from Russia with a family tree that you cannot understand, get expert help. Pedigree cat clubs can help you find reputable breeders.