Are Goldendoodles Good Dogs? (Information and Personality Traits)

As all these designer breeds take the pet-owning world by storm, more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon. The idea of combining the best characteristics of two of the most popular breeds was and remains quite intriguing. Poodle mixes, especially Goldendoodles, have become an absolute favorite across the board.

With their beautiful, sometimes shaggy, sometimes curly, thick but low-maintenance coat and large, soulful eyes, it’s easy to see why these gorgeous pups are the top choice for many families. However, looks aren’t everything, and the real question is: are Goldendoodles good dogs? To answer this question: No, I’m not. They are the best dogs known to man!

Goldendoodles are naturally intelligent, friendly and loyal dogs. Due to their ability to quickly become friends, they are good at dealing with children and other pets. However, they are not good watchdogs, but they are ideal for living in an apartment.

Goldendoodles (also called Golden Poos) are a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Standard, Miniature, or Miniature Poodle. Their popularity has skyrocketed, not only for their good looks, but also for the amazing qualities they always seem to have inherited from both of their parents. They are usually a perfect blend of both. However, like any dog breed, the Goldendoodle has its own needs and wants. Always make an informed decision. This definitive guide to Goldendoodles will help you confirm your (right) decision to add one of these amazing pooches to your family.

Are Goldendoodles Good With Kids/Cats/Other Dogs? Good Family Dog?

Are Goodlendoodles Good With Kids

Just like their Golden Retriever parent, Goldendoodles are probably one of the best dogs to have as a family pet, especially when little ones are in the house. Yes, they may be a little larger than their poodle parents, but they are known to be very gentle with children (although they should still be supervised!). They tend to be easy-going and love to socialize. It’s rare for a Goldendoodle to find a friend (human or otherwise) that he doesn’t like. Always imagine it safe, but your current pets and your new Goldendoodle furball are very likely to become fast friends in no time.

Are They Easy To Train?

Are They Easy To Train goldendoodles

While they are incredibly smart, not all Goldendoodles are the easiest to train, especially if not done at a young age. They can inherit a somewhat lack of focus from their Golden Retriever parent, and won’t do well with long training periods. He will lose interest. Any type of training should be done in short spurts to keep their attention, and if they are being stubborn (as some Goldendoodles can be), don’t be afraid to bring in an expert. As smart as they are, they will be trained in no time once you find an effective approach.

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Are They Smart?

Goldendoodles are generally very intelligent. Both the Poodle and Golden Retriever breeds are intelligent and this is passed on to all Goldendoodle descendants. Just like their parents, they are both intelligent and relatively easy to educate. That is, as long as it’s done correctly. These guys are energetic and don’t hold attention for long. A short workout and the use of positive reinforcement are the best way to ensure success. Goldendoodles want nothing more than to please you, so harsh discipline such as yelling or hitting generally has the opposite effect. And it really shouldn’t be used in any situation as it is completely counterproductive.

Temperament And Personality

When it comes to temperament and personality, cross-breeding traits are not that simple or easy to determine. Their individual characteristics can vary greatly due to the mixture of two completely different breeds. Even Goldendoodles from the same litter can have surprisingly different personalities, as one might have more of their father’s traits while the other looks after their mother in some aspects. In general, they may have one (or more) major characteristics of their parent breeds:

  • Golden Retriever – Open-minded, Reliable, Helpful, Intelligent, Active, Friendly
  • Poodle – Also intelligent, loyal, sweet-natured, active, also friendly although a bit more reserved than the Golden Retriever

Put it all together, mix and what do you have? An adorable, sometimes silly and mischievous, completely loyal canine companion with a somewhat silly puppy personality (and no, he probably won’t grow out of it). However, they are a great option for most, as they bond and attach to their human family relatively quickly. Make sure you’re ready for The Commitment and everything that comes with it.

Overall Goldendoodles Health

Overall goldendoodle Health

As a general rule, most breeds are prone to one medical condition or another, and neither the Golden Retriever nor the Poodle, are an exception. For instance, Golden Retrievers, being a larger breed, can suffer from hip and elbow dysplasia, while Poodles (in general) are more likely to have dental issues. Thanks to years and years of expert breeding, however, the Goldendoodle is actually relatively healthier than both parent breeds. They do need sufficient exercise and regular veterinary checkups to keep in good health. The exercise is also an energy outlet. Without proper stimulation, physical and mental, Goldendoodles can become bored which could result in behavioral issues.

Are They Hypoallergenic?

There’s the big money question, and the answer is no, they are not, no animal breed is 100% hypoallergenic. The Goldendoodle is a low shedding breed, though, which means that they are less likely than other breeds to cause a pet-related allergic reaction. If you suffer from pet allergies it is suggested that you do a trial run with your potential companion. Taking extra precautions is also a good idea. Having a pet-free room in the house, regular deep cleaning, and regular pet grooming habits can also help prevent reactions.

Conclusion: Goldendoodle Dog Breed

Goldendoodles are fantastic dogs, there’s no doubt about it. Being crossbreed can also mean a wider variety of characteristics. While as a general rule, Goldendoodles are super social, no two pooches are completely alike and each has its own unique and individualized personality.

These lovable companions can be around for anywhere from 10 to 12 years, and adopting a pet should be a lifelong commitment. It doesn’t hurt to get to know your potential new friend and make sure he will fit into your lifestyle and home.

Suitable For:

  • Single Families: These are people dogs and they bond extremely well with all family members. They also get along well with other pets.
  • Families with Children: The Goldendoodle is one of the best dog breeds for homes with children. They are gentle, loyal, and usually have a very sweet disposition.
  • Pretty much everyone who can give the attention they need: Goldendoodles are a very versatile breed, and they adapt well to many situations. To avoid behavioral problems, your Goldendoodle should be properly socialized and should not be left alone for long periods of time.

Not Suitable For:

  • If you work long hours: The only situation a Goldendoodle is not suited for would be one where he is left to his own devices for too long. They do their best when with their ‘people’. If you work away from home and/or are gone for long periods, then a Goldendoodle might not be the right fit for you.
  • If you live in a small dwelling with no room to run: Depending on the size of mom and dad, a Goldendoodle can weigh almost 100 pounds. They are gentle giants, true, but they do need more space than, say, a chihuahua would. Ideally, your Goldendoodle should at least have a backyard to run about, but not to be kept in.

Where To Find A Goldendoodle

If you have decided to add a new furry family member, first, congratulations, no Goldendoodle ever regrets it, and second, do your research. There are several ways of going about getting your new friend and you’ll want to do it in the best, and safest, way possible. There are more than a few Goldendoodle rescue organizations, there are too many homeless and unwanted pets in the world, and supporting your local rescue is always a good thing. If you are looking for a breeder, be sure to pick a reputable one, and never be afraid to ask questions.

Unique FAQs about the Goldendoodle Dog Breed?

Q: Are Goldendoodles good with children?

A: Yes, Goldendoodles are known for their friendly and gentle nature, making them great companions for children.

Q: How much exercise do Goldendoodles need?

A: Their energetic nature requires regular exercise, including playtime and walks, to keep them physically and mentally stimulated.

Q: Do Goldendoodles shed a lot?

A: The shedding level varies among individuals, but overall, they are considered to be low to moderate shedders.

Q: Can I groom my Goldendoodle at home?

A: Yes, with the right tools and knowledge, some grooming tasks can be done at home. However, professional grooming is recommended for certain tasks.

Q: Are Goldendoodles prone to specific health issues?

A: While generally healthy, they may be susceptible to issues like hip dysplasia. Regular vet check-ups help in early detection and management.

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